Here at Hormoan foods we love a good Easter SHAM. A nice little pineapple mint glaze and some cilantro garnish, mmm. There’s a reason the classics endure so well. But sometimes it’s also fun to try something new. So we all got hopped up on the Easter Spirit and developed these SHAMtastic recipes just for you!

SHAM wheels with FauxFu® (synthetic tofu)


Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes


  • 2 cans of SHAM
  • 1 can Hormoan FauxFu®
  • Green Onions, sliced
  • 1 cup Hormoan Faple Syrup® (faux maple syrup)
  • 1 can I Can’t Believe it’s Not Chicken Broth


  1. Slice SHAM into slabs.
  2. Use your favorite circular (or semi-circular) cookie cutter to cut strips into SHAM wheels.
  3. Cut FauxFu into small slabs.
  4. Combine Faples Syrup, green onions and I Can’t Believe it’s Not Chicken Broth in a microwave safe container, bring to boil in microwave.
  5. With mixture still boiling, drop in the SHAM and FauxFu
  6. Wait 5 minutes for the mixture to cool.
  7. Plate and serve!

SHAMcakes (SHAM Pancakes)


Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 5 minutes


  • 1 cans of SHAM
  • 1 6 oz box Hormoan Fanko® synthetic Panko crumbs
  • 1 cup Hormoan Hormoo® bovine natal secretion substitute
  • 1 egg (it’s Easter after all!)
  • 1 Tbsp Hoarmoan Fegitable® Oil


  1. Slice SHAM into slabs.
  2. Use a food-processor to render the Fanko® crumbs into a fine powder.
  3. Put Fegitable® Oil in a 12 inch non-stick pan and on medium heat.
  4. Beat egg in a mixing bowl.
  5. Add the Hoarmoo® to the egg and stir until well mixed.
  6. Slowly add the Fanko® powder while continuing to mix.
  7. Once you the mixture starts to thicken and clump, you are ready to add the SHAM.
  8. Coat each slab of sham and then immediately place in hot pan
  9. Brown SHAMcakes for 2 minutes, then flip and brown for another 2 minutes
  10. Serve with a healthy dose of Hormoan Faple Syrup®!



Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes


  • 2 cans of SHAM
  • 1 can Hey! High Fiber Citrus Soda
  • 2 eggs (yay, more Easter!)
  • 1 cup Hormoan Hormoo® bovine natal secretion substitute
  • 1 Tbsp Hormoan Kitchen Kompanion® butter-flavored paste
  • 1 cup broccoli, finely chopped
  • 1 6 oz box Hormoan FramCracker® crumbs
  • 1 tsp curry powder


  1. Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
  2. Place the SHAM and broccoli in a food processor and pulse until well mixed.
  3. Gently fold FramCracker® crumbs into the SHAM mix. Keep folding until evenly distributed.
  4. Combine the Hey! High Fiber Citrus Soda, eggs, Hormoo®, curry powder and Kitchen Kompanion® butter-flavored paste in the food processor, blend until it forms into a thick, creamy sauce.
  5. Put the SHAM mix into a standard bread loaf pan and place in preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  6. Remove SHAM loaf and coat with the creamy sauce.
  7. Return the loaf to the oven and bake for another 15 minutes.
  8. Remove from oven and spend the rest of the evening pondering your meaningless existence.

SHAM Jello


Prep time: 15 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes


  • 1 can SHAM, diced
  • 1 can Hormoan FauxFu®, diced
  • 1 1/4 cups boiling water
  • 1 (3-ounce) package regular lime-flavored Hormoan gelatin
  • ½ cup cherries, chopped


  1. Mix boiling water and Hormoan gelatin
  2. Once gelatin mix is cool, mix in SHAM, FauxFu® and cherries
  3. Pour mixture into a festive mold
  4. Refrigerate until set
  5. Chide yourself for failing to include vodka in this recipe.

SHushi (SHAM Sushi)


Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes


  • 1 cans of SHAM
  • 2 cans Hoarmon congealed rice
  • 1 strip of the Skin of Armus, 2 feet in length, 3 inches wide


  1. Brown SHAM in frying pan until it starts to caramelize
  2. Heat congealed rice according to directions on can
  3. Wrap Skin of Armus around the rice to bind the two together forever in darkness

Happy Easter!